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Various Diseases Caused by Bacteria that Need to be Cautioned

Infectious diseases can be caused by various microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, to parasites. Not a few diseases caused by bacteria. In fact, some diseases caused by bacteria can cause serious and life-threatening conditions. Bacteria enter the body in many ways. For example, through food or drinks that are contaminated with bacteria, contact with bodily fluids such as feces, urine, or blood from bacteria-infected people. Another way is to breathe air near an infected person who is sneezing or coughing. Also with indirect contact through door handles, toilets, and other objects that have been contaminated with bacteria.

Dangerous diseases caused by bacterial infections

All diseases caused by bacteria generally need to get a careful examination and proper treatment from a doctor. Here are some diseases caused by bacteria that are classified as dangerous:
  • Sepsis

  • Sepsis is a severe complication of infection. In this condition, the bacteria that causes the infection has spread in the bloodstream, so the body releases antibodies to fight it. However, it can damage body organs. If there is an organ malfunction or septic shock, this condition can lead to death. Sepsis can happen to anyone, but this condition is more at risk for infants, the elderly (elderly), and people with weakened immune systems. Sepsis can be treated by injecting antibiotics, drugs to increase blood pressure in the event of septic shock, adequate fluids, and oxygen if needed. In critical conditions, ventilation may be performed to help with breathing. Management of sepsis needs to be accompanied by close monitoring by a doctor at the hospital.
  • Meningitis

  • Meningitis is an infection of the protective membrane of the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis caused by bacteria has the potential to damage the brain and cause death, while those caused by viruses are generally lighter. Meningitis usually occurs due to an infection in other parts of the body, such as the ear, sinus cavity, or throat, which spread to the brain.
  • Acute pyelonephritis

  • Acute pyelonephritis is a kidney infection that occurs suddenly and is in severe condition. Acute pyelonephritis that is not handled properly will be very dangerous and can be life-threatening if the kidneys become swollen and permanently damaged. In addition, there are also chronic pyelonephritis, which is a kidney infection that occurs repeatedly, but is less common. Generally pyelonephritis starts from urinary tract infections (UTI). If there is a problem with the flow of urine, bacteria can enter the body through the urinary tract, multiply in the bladder, then spread to the kidneys.
  • Tuberculosis

  • Tuberculosis or TB is caused by bacteria that mainly attack the lungs, but can also attack other organs such as bones, brain, kidneys, and skin. TB is a contagious and potentially life-threatening disease. Transmission occurs through splashes of saliva from TB sufferers when coughing is inhaled by other people. This disease can be cured, provided the patient is undergoing TB treatment correctly, namely taking antituberculosis drugs (OAT) for at least 6 months without dropping out of the drug. The aim is to treat TB, prevent TB transmission and recurrence, and prevent MDR TB.
  • Leptospirosis

  • Leptospirosis is a disease caused by the Leptospira bacteria, which can attack humans and animals. The way this bacteria is transmitted is through water or soil which may be contaminated by the urine of animals infected by the bacteria. Leptospirosis that is not treated completely can cause severe illness, such as meningitis, liver failure, kidney damage, and respiratory failure, until death.
The high cases of diseases caused by bacteria are closely related to poor environmental sanitation and hygiene. Therefore, to help prevent infectious diseases, especially diseases caused by bacteria, it is important to get used to washing hands, keeping the environment clean, living a healthy lifestyle, and getting vaccinated.


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