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Recognizing the Difference between Rheumatism and Gout

Not everyone can recognize the difference between rheumatism and gout. Many people think that they have rheumatism, when in fact they have gout and vice versa. The two conditions are similar, but not the same. Both rheumatism and gout, can cause pain, swelling and redness in the joints. Both of these conditions can also interfere with daily activities. However, there are important differences in rheumatism and gout. Rheumatism or what is referred to as rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that causes pain due to inflammation and swelling in the joints. While gout is an acute arthritis caused by the deposition of uric acid in your joints.

Various Differences in Rheumatism and Gout

Clinically, the difference between rheumatism and gout is the location of the inflammation that occurs. Gout occurs when uric acid levels are excessive and accumulate in the joints, bones and body tissues. Pain in gout usually appears suddenly and is felt in the big toe, or leg joint. Pain can be felt only in one leg or both. Meanwhile, rheumatism caused by chronic inflammation generally causes pain in the joints on both sides of the body, followed by joint stiffness. Rheumatism can be accompanied by swelling, redness, and palpable heat in the painful area. But these symptoms can also be found in people with gout. Other differences from rheumatism and gout, are:
  • Difference in causes

  • Rheumatism is an autoimmune disease that is generally caused by genetic factors. So far the triggers for the emergence of rheumatic symptoms are not yet clearly known, but are thought to be related to viral infections and smoking habits. Whereas uric acid is often caused by consuming too much purine-rich foods, such as meat, organ meats, fish, shellfish, whole wheat bread, and cereals.
  • Difference in risk factors

  • Rheumatism can affect young and old age groups, but this disease is more common in the elderly group (elderly) over 60 years. Rheumatism is also more common in women than men. Whereas uric acid is more often found in the young adult age group with excess body weight, and is more common in men. The habit of consuming alcoholic beverages or foods with additional sweeteners can also increase the risk of gout.
  • Different ways of treatment

  • Until now rheumatic disease has not been cured, but rheumatic treatment can help relieve symptoms. Drugs such as antirheumatic, painkillers and corticosteroids will generally be given by a doctor, but the treatment needs to be adjusted to the degree of rheumatism suffered.
Whereas in gout, treatment can be with drugs such as colchicine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and corticosteroids. To keep uric acid levels from being too high, your doctor will also give uric acid-lowering drugs like allopurinol, and advise you to limit your intake of purines and alcohol. Gout and rheumatism can sometimes be similar to each other, but basically the two conditions are caused by different things. Therefore, for proper handling and treatment, you should consult a doctor.

How to Prevent Rheumatism and Gout

In general, effective ways to prevent rheumatism and gout are lifestyle changes that are healthier such as exercise routine, stop smoking and stop consuming alcoholic beverages. In addition, some ways that can also be done to prevent arthritis and gout are as follows:
  • Keep the diet

  • You can go on a healthy diet so that it does not trigger symptoms of rheumatism and gout returns. Living a healthy diet can be done by avoiding alcoholic drinks, reducing meat consumption, reducing foods with high purine content, especially for gout sufferers.
  • Maintain a healthy weight

  • Overweight or obesity can be a risk factor for gout and rheumatism. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise can help prevent symptoms.
  • Limiting exposure to environmental pollutants

  • There are studies that say that exposure to environmental pollution can increase the risk of rheumatism. If your work poses a risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals, be sure to wear proper safety equipment at all times when working.
The picture of symptoms in these two diseases is sometimes similar to each other, so it is important for you to recognize any difference in rheumatism and gout. Do not hesitate to consult with your doctor to ascertain your condition, given the differences in rheumatism and gout, including how to treat it.


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